2024 - 2025 Performance Information

2024 Holiday Show

[This performance is filmed in-studio]

  • Filming Week: Monday-December 2 through Saturday, December 7

    • Filmed during dancers regular class time. No outside class time is required

Holiday Show Details:
Dancers will learn short, holiday-themed routines for this performance during regular class time. Dancers will wear costumes, provided by Centerstage, and we will film these routines during their regular class time (against a green screen backdrop). Then – we magically cut the dances together into holiday show movie and send it out (as a digital link) to our dancers and families! This year we are featuring songs and routines from the classic A Christmas Carol and also the Nutcracker! If you are still unsure of how this will work – please check out the trailer from a previous year’s show.

  • All of our dancers (with the exception of our Shining Stars classes)will appear in at least one of our Holiday Show performance. Some dancers may appear in more routines, due to the classes they take. Please note, most dancers will appear in only ONE number during this performance – even if they take multiple classes at the studio. We've selected a handful of classes to keep the performance shorter in length - but all dancers will be featured in at least one of their classes.

  • Centerstage will be providing any props or costume pieces that we will use during the performance.

  • We will be filming these dances during your dancer’s regular class times – there is no separate/out of class time required. Parents will not be able to watch during filming – it will be a surprise for when it is sent out to everyone during the holiday break!

  • We start learning these dances in November – attendance during those weeks before filming are very important for your dancers so they are able to learn their routines. 

Viewing Options:

At-Home Viewing:
Everyone in the studio will receive a link, via email, so they can watch the show from home beginning Sunday, December 22 through Wednesday, December 25. The link will only be live for those 4 days. After that, you are able to purchase the video to keep forever as a digital download!

[Optional] Movie Premiere at TBD Location:

  • Date: Thursday December 19 or Friday December 20, 2024

Unfortunatley the wonderful venue that has hosted our Holiday Show movie premiere, Chunky’s Cinema’s in Nashua, NH, has closed. We are currently looking for another venue to host our premier and will keep you posted. This is not a mandatory event - but a very fun one before the holidays! Tickets will go on-sale in November - we will notify you via email before those go on sale.

2025 Recital Information:

  • Dress Rehearsal Date: Saturday, May 10

    • For all dancers participating in the 2025 recital weekend

    • Dress rehearsal schedule is typically released in April

  • Recital Dates: Saturday, May 17 and Sunday, May 18

    • Dancers will typically be in only one of the two days of performance

    • Recital performance days/times are typically released in November

Recital Location: Groton-Dunstable Performing Arts Center in Groton, MA.

2025 Dress Rehearsal & Picture Day

Picture Day the same day and location as Dress Rehearsal to make everything easy!

Dress Rehearsal & Picture Day Date: Saturday, May 10

Dress Rehearsal & Picture Day Location:  Groton-Dunstable Performing Arts Center | 344 Main Street, Groton, MA

Dress Rehearsal Information:

All dancers that are participating in the recital will need to come to dress rehearsal on Saturday, May 10. Dress rehearsal is held at the Groton-Dunstable Performing Arts Center, which is our recital performance venue. Each class will get time on-stage with their instructor to practice the number in their recital costume. If your dancer is in more than one number, time will be given to change in between numbers.

2025 Recital Costs

Associated Performance Costs:

Recital Costumes: We require dancers to purchase one dance costume for each class. The only class exception is our Tap/Ballet Combo classes - they will have two costumes. During the month of November, we require a $50 costume deposit to secure their costume for recital. The remaining balance of the costume deposit is due in January when we return from our holiday break.

If you pay your initial costume deposit, you are required to pay the full remaining costume balance – we cannot make any exceptions. We strive to keep costume prices as low as possible for each dancer. In general the costume totals are between $80-$125 per costume.

Recital Tickets:
Recital tickets will go on sale on Friday, April 25. Each family member and/or audience member must purchase a ticket to view the performance. After that date, recital tickets will remain on sale until the performance dates. We use an online recital ticketing service for our recital tickets. Families will be able to purchase their recital tickets directly from their phones, laptops and tablets. More information about recital tickets will be sent out closer to that date.  

Recital Package/Fee:
We require any dancer participating in our recital to pay a one-time $145 recital package fee per dancer or $195 for multiple dancers (families). This fee will be posted in March of 2025 and must be paid with March tuition.

As a reminder, with this fee all dancers receive:

  • A digital download of ALL of the recital performances from the weekend.

  • One (1) recital t-shirt. Each year we design a unique t-shirt that is themed for our recital performance with all the dancers names on the back. Family pricing will receive one shirt, per dancer.

  • Recital Tights: Tights are very much a part of your dancers costume, and in years past, they have been a separate item that dancers/parents need to purchase. As a part of this package we will include them to simplify our recital costuming. Most dancers will receive our Body Tghts. If your dancer takes a ballet class they will also receive pink tights. Our Tutu & Tumble Preschool classes will receive pink tights only. 

  • Recital Program Book: All dancers will receive one (1) recital program book that will feature photos/memories from the year, the run order of the show and any student/dancer shout-outs - see below.

    • Parents will have the opportunity to place a student/dancer shoutout within the new program for an additional cost

    • More information will come out about this in January, 2025

  • This also includes our recital rehearsal fee. This covers the cost our on-stage dress rehearsal/performance and helps to keep our recital ticket prices from increasing substantially.